A surprising finding

(Thought I would share a recent posting to our Facebook page  – Check us out on Facebook under Problem Solving Consultants.)

I was recently asked to serve as a subject matter expert in the development of a course on critical and creative thinking in criminal justice.  At first I had a doubt about whether I could complete my end of the bargain on time.  I’m finding a couple of things – the most important is that I’m working with two very gifted and professional curriculum developers (I don’t think that’s their real title but it does describe what they do) who work very nicely with me as my mind takes some strange turns, especially when it comes to the creative thinking!  The second is a bit of a surprise – I’m actually enjoying the pressure of a quick deadline.  Why is that?  I think it’s because it’s pressure of my own choosing.  I could have turned down the request, citing time management issues involving the course I was teaching and various projects I have going on right now.  But I chose not to and I’m having a really good time with this.  Best of all – I’m refreshing some learning and gaining new insights and information on topics I’ve known for quite some time.

The purpose of sharing this is to open your thinking to the concept that not all pressure is bad and stretching yourself by not staying in a professional rut can be enlightening and refreshing.  Is it time for you to get out of your office and take on a new project that challenges your thinking, your skills and your creativity?

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