Implementing Change

I have delayed the upgrade from Windows 8.whatever to Windows 10.  I had any number of “reasons”  and I  have fussed since Windows XP is no longer my operating system. But the upgrade to Windows 10 was needed to allow some security features to operate.  So I did my homework and will set aside the time needed to get comfortable with this operating system and thank my lucky stars that I still have the brain power and ability to learn something new.

If I was reluctant to change something that was of such little consequence  I can only imagine the impact of a change within your organization.   How can you implement change while minimizing the disruption that any change can cause?

The most important key is a twofold approach.  An effective implementation plan will focus immediately on education and communication.  Educating your staff about the change and the need for it can help reduce the fear of the unknown.  Any change can cause people to feel threatened – fears about whether they will be able to master the new technology, are they going to keep their job, will they be made obsolete, etc.  Education will help them see the reason(s) why the change will be implemented.  Education can give a sense of security that they still are valued within the organization.

Clear, honest communication allows facts  to lay to rest the rumors that will be started.  Open communication throughout the organization helps insure that all levels of the organization are made aware of the changes, the timetables, their responsibilities, and the emphasis on accurate feedback.   Effective communication can help identify potential problems and allow you to resolve them while they are still molehills.

Embrace the change for the better, keep your staff informed, and listen.

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