
It is that time of year when many of us reflect upon our accomplishments in the previous months and begin thinking of new goals or resolutions we hope to meet next year. One thing is certain – we are all facing some potentially serious changes in the coming year. As the leaders of our organizations we must have our plans in place for implementing those changes. Our employees, our staffs are relying upon us to present the changes in a calm and reasoned fashion. As we reflect upon what has passed and what will be, let us all make a concerted effort to understand those who disagree with us (“do we really need to make that change?”), model emotional correctness, and engage in collaborative discussions and problem solving. With such an effort we might find that the chaos which seems to dominate the news will become a thing of the past.
If it helps to calm your concerns about how to implement changes in the short and long term, consider a new resolution for 2016. Know that we at Problem Solving Consultants are committed to working with you to find realistic and lasting solutions to the issues you have identified. Working together we can help you implement the changes you want.

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