A Reminder

Last week I was gently reminded of the tremendous support system which surrounds me. I have to admit that over the past few months I became mentally exhausted from having to deal with a medical issue. That issue forced me to focus all my mental effort to manage a significant amount of pain and it did not allow me to focus my attention on the issues I had recently asked you all to join in and support me. Fortunately, I was able to make a connection with a set of doctors who immediately developed a plan of action and set it into motion. That action included some significant surgery, meaning that I would not be the independent person that I usually am. I would have to rely upon others to help me. In this situation I didn’t even have to ask for help. I was told that folks were going to be helping me and there was no room for negotiation! A very dear friend rearranged her work schedule to insure that I was driven to the hospital where she stayed until the surgery was completed. Michelle then drove me home and stayed with me through the night (an extra treat for my dogs to have her around, for sure.) The medical professionals were of the highest quality. I was important as an individual, not as a symptom. They recognized the importance of Michelle and me sharing some humor to keep things relaxed and they even joined in – something that will probably stick with them for a time!
The outcome of the surgery could not have been better and the recovery is progressing, albeit not as quickly as I’d like. My progress is being monitored by three rather large pups who think they need to shadow me everywhere I go and I don’t mind. It reassures them that I’m doing alright.
So why do I share such a personal note? Thanksgiving comes later this week and I have so much to be thankful for – good friends and family, quality medical care, and the ability to share how grateful I am for what I have. I wish everyone the true blessings of this season – that we are grateful for what we have and so willing to share with others who might not be as fortunate. I am especially grateful for the reminder I received to never take my blessings for granted and to acknowledge the source of all those blessings. God bless you all.

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