Merry Christmas

The Christmas season is now upon us and in keeping with my Anglican traditions, the season will continue through 6 January when tradition has it that the Magi arrived at the stable in Bethlehem to present their gifts to the Christ child. Our thought has focused on the kindness and unconditional love shown by the Magi as they traveled far to reach that stable, with no thought of receiving anything in return for their gifts.  In their hearts, they knew that the babe born in a stable was a special gift and that was enough for them.

What a great lesson from history for us to think about and to model.  I see this modeled every time I see an act of kindness. People are kind because they believe that’s the right thing to do.  Kind acts happen without the expectation of being repaid.  But somehow, that kindness finds its way back to folks, especially when they least expect it.  Our wish would be that the spirit of Christmas follow all of us throughout the coming year and we are moved to practice kindness with even greater frequency.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and Happy Holidays.

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